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maandag 23 januari 2017

Baal Shamem 3

Plautus has a remark about Baalsamen (Phoen.1027) and Philo of Byblos (Eus.P.E.1.10.7) thinks of a sun god or cosmic god. A Greek magical papyrus from the 4th century AD sees in him the son of Ouranos ( There is no image description of him!!!!!!!!!!
- O.Eissfeldt, Ba‘alšamêm und Jahwé, ZAW 57 (1939), p.1-31 (Kleine Schriften 11, Tübingen 1963, p.171-198);
- D.Sourdel, Les cultes du Hauran à l’époque romaine, Paris 1952, p.19-31 ;
- H.J.W.Drijvers, Ba‘al Shamin, de heer van de hemel, Assen 1974;
- F.Vattoni, Aspetti del culto del Signore del cieli, Augustinianum 12, (1972), p.479-515, 13 (1973) p.37-73;
- R.A.Oden, Ba‘al šamêm and ’El, CBQ 39 (1977), p.457-473;
- J.Teixidor, The Pagan God, Princeton 1977, p.40-42, 130-140;
- G.Garbini, Gune Balsemen, StMagr.12 (1980), p.89-92;
- E.Lipinski e.a., Dictionnaire de la civilisation phénicienne et punique, Brepols, Leuven 1992, p.61-62.
- Ch.R.Krahmalkov, Phoenician-Punic Dictionary, StPhoen XV, OLA 90, Leuven, 2000, P.119-120 :
B‘LšMN = Ba‘alsamem (Lord of the Heavens, Baal as  storm a god, the master of thunder and lightning.
KAI 26 A III 18/19 (ph): b‘lšmm w’l ’rṢ wšmš ’lm wkl dr bn ’lm = Baalsamem and El, Creator of the Earth and eternal Semes and the entire family of the gods.
KAI 64.1 (Pu): l’dn lb‘<l>šmm l’ynṢm = <Dedicated> to the Lord Baalsamem of Isonim.
What about all these abbreviations? I will give an explanation the next time.

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