has a remark about Baalsamen (Phoen.1027) and Philo of Byblos
(Eus.P.E.1.10.7) thinks of a sun god or cosmic god. A Greek magical papyrus
from the 4th century AD sees in him the son of Ouranos (
There is no image description of him!!!!!!!!!!
- O.Eissfeldt, Ba‘alšamêm und Jahwé, ZAW 57 (1939), p.1-31
(Kleine Schriften 11, Tübingen 1963, p.171-198);
- D.Sourdel,
Les cultes du Hauran à l’époque romaine, Paris 1952, p.19-31 ;
- H.J.W.Drijvers, Ba‘al Shamin, de heer van de hemel,
Assen 1974;
F.Vattoni, Aspetti del culto
R.A.Oden, Ba‘al šamêm and ’El, CBQ 39 (1977), p.457-473;
J.Teixidor, The Pagan God,
- G.Garbini,
Gune Balsemen, StMagr.12 (1980), p.89-92;
- E.Lipinski
e.a., Dictionnaire de la civilisation phénicienne et punique, Brepols, Leuven
1992, p.61-62.
Ch.R.Krahmalkov, Phoenician-Punic Dictionary, StPhoen XV, OLA 90,
B‘LšMN =
Ba‘alsamem (Lord of the Heavens, Baal as
storm a god, the master of thunder and lightning.
KAI 26 A
III 18/19 (ph): b‘lšmm w’l ’rṢ wšmš ’lm wkl dr bn ’lm = Baalsamem and El,
Creator of the Earth and eternal Semes and the entire family of the gods.
KAI 64.1
(Pu): l’dn lb‘<l>šmm l’ynṢm = <Dedicated> to the Lord Baalsamem
of Isonim.
about all these abbreviations? I will give an explanation the next time.
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maandag 23 januari 2017
Baal Shamem 3
Baal Shamem 2
SHAMEM part 2
Shamêm occurs worldwide, for example:
Shamêm also appears in a Phoenician inscription from Umm el-Amed (KAI 18),
where he had his own temple and he is named in Greek Zeus Hupsistos (Zeus, the
very highest), or Zeus Megistos Keraunios (CIS II, 3912 = Zeus, the huge
terrible), or Hagios Theos Ouranios. Under the title "God, the holy
heaven" he was worshiped until the 3rd century AD in the Tyrian temple
Qedesh in
we find the very high at
inscription from
Baal Shamem 1
SHAMEM part 1
B ‘ l š m
m (Phoen), B ‘ l š m y n (
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